Upcoming Webinar: Getting Real with the Inflation Reduction Act

Nearly two years after Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act, has its promise of a vibrant transferable tax credit market materialized? If not, why not?

When the IRA passed in 2022, it unlocked a huge market in which private companies can receive a tax benefit through a bilateral purchase of clean energy tax credits – at a discount – from renewable energy developers, who themselves often do not have tax liabilities. However, high transaction costs, including legal, insurance, and due diligence expenses, and certain transaction risks may be standing in the way of the market taking off in the way it was intended.

These challenges require market participants including buyers, sellers, and transaction support professionals to join forces to access the full potential of tax credit transferability. Leveraging our collective expertise, we can develop a path to maximizing opportunities, minimizing costs, and mitigating risks in transferable tax credits transactions.

Ever.green is bringing together a panel of legal, tax and insurance experts to dissect the underlying trends and implications for stakeholders. Join us on June 11th, when our panel of speakers will break down the intricacies of the transferable tax credit market for potential future buyers of tax credits.