We're here to answer questions about buying renewable energy certificates (RECs) on the Ever.green marketplace.
A renewable energy certificate, or REC, is a legal instrument that gives its holder the exclusive right to claim the purchase of an amount of renewable energy, usually one (1) MWh. Once a REC has been purchased, federal regulations state that no other party has the right to claim the use of that MWh of renewable energy, even if that party directly consumes that energy on-site.ir federal tax liability.
Individuals, family offices, and closely held private companies can offset federal tax liability from passive income.
Any producer of renewable energy registered with the appropriate renewable energy tracking system. A renewable energy tracking system can be created by a state with a renewable portfolio standard (goals for production of renewable energy within the state), or it may be a private or non-profit entity. If a state’s renewable portfolio standard’s goals for a specific technology have not been met, RECs generated using that technology in that state are called “compliance RECs.” RECs generated in states without an RPS or whose RPS standards have been met for the technology used to generate them are called “voluntary RECs.”
In practice, anyone can buy RECs, and in fact many individuals receive renewable energy credits from community solar projects or are allocated them by their utilities. Generally, however, Ever.green works with companies, nonprofits and other organizations that need to purchase RECs to meet their sustainability goals.
When an organization looks to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, it has to evaluate three different categories of emissions - Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3.
RECs can most directly help an organization using power from the electric grid to address its Scope 2 emissions. Each REC represents the purchase of 1 MWh of renewable energy. Generally speaking, if an organization purchases a number of RECs equal to its energy use for a given year, then under current “market-based” accounting rules approved by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, it is allowed to claim zero Scope 2 emissions for that year.
Ever.green RECs are a new REC product with two key features that are intended to guarantee that your purchase of the REC will have a high impact:
In brief, in order to sell the RECs on a project, we require that the developer demonstrate that the RECs are material to the decision of whether or not the project will be built or will be financially viable over the life of the project. Our ESG Scorecard lays out minimum requirements with respect to the projects in terms of emissions avoidance, minimization of environmental impact, adherence to labor practices in the construction of a project and a project’s community impact.
Further, and following suggestions laid out in the current Scope 2 Guidance by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, we contract directly with developers:
All of these factors contribute to helping drive the creation of new renewable energy resources, or of keeping existing resources on-line. Certain projects can achieve particular distinction by accumulating “bonus” points on our scorecard, meeting criteria that are desirable but not strictly required.
This idea centers around the fact that while organizations that purchase RECs claim reduced Scope 2 emissions, they still in fact use grid power, and the United States electricity grids still depend in large part on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. In theory, RECs are supposed to provide a way for customers to express market demand for renewable energy and thus stimulate the production of new renewable energy generation resources. Recent studies, however, have shown that evidence for this is weak, in particular outside of compliance markets. The greenwashing allegation thus stems from this suspicion that standard unbundled spot market REC purchases have little effect in greening our electricity grids.
There have been calls to heighten the standards on RECs, in large part to tie them more closely to the production of new renewable generation resources. This is why Ever.green has developed the high-impact REC.
Ever.green RECs are generally sold at a premium to current spot-market voluntary REC prices. However, we believe this higher price is justified for several reasons:
Higher-priced RECs are more likely to have high impact. One of the reasons that doubts have been raised about the effectiveness of spot market RECs in driving new renewables is the fact that they often trade $1-2 per REC. At these prices, it is implausible that a REC will have the necessary impact to drive new renewable energy generation. A good part of the higher price of an Ever.green REC, therefore, is directly tied to the amount of impact the REC can have.
ESG Scorecard
The higher price and long-term contract lengths of Ever.green’s High-Impact RECs also enables Ever.green to gain developer cooperation in going through the certification process for our ESG Scorecard. This makes the Ever.green REC, we believe, a more reliable, safer and transparent product than a REC without our ESG Scorecard certification.
Favorable pricing versus compliance RECs
Ever.green RECs are generally cheaper than many compliance RECs. Compliance REC markets are of limited supply but are generally thought to have more impact than voluntary REC markets, and are therefore a better comparable for the high-impact Ever.green RECs.
Ability to lock in price over time
Ever.green’s forward purchase agreements lock in a price for several years, and it is possible that even voluntary REC prices may climb in the next several years as demand for them increases due to growing numbers of companies setting sustainability goals.
Ever.green RECs are Green-e® Energy certified, and meet the environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center of Resource Solutions. Learn more at www.green-e.org.
For more information about Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), see: www.green-e.org/rec.
As noted above, Ever.green RECs are only sold through forward commitments. If you see one or more REC projects on our marketplace that you would be interested in supporting through a long-term REC purchase, please contact us and we can begin the process of onboarding you as a customer before presenting you with a draft forward purchase agreement for review.
Generally, our contracting process involves back-to-back agreements with developers and end-user customers. We will enter into forward purchase agreements for RECs directly from developers on new or repowered projects, after completing a diligence process. This forward purchase agreement will also contain representations backing up the high-impact nature of the RECs. Prior to, or concurrent with, the commencement of the project’s commercial operations, Ever.green will resell those high-impact RECs as Ever.green RECs under forward purchase agreements with end customers.
One exception to the above is if an existing customer contract is terminating, but Ever.green remains committed to purchase RECs from an existing project, Ever.green may contract with a new customer to resell the newly available REC stream. We view these as RECs as still having high impact because the developer relies on the continued revenue stream from the REC sales at the time of construction to guarantee the viability of the project, and Ever.green relies on the new end-user customer to enable it to meet its obligations to the developer.
We generally require a minimum term of at least five (5) years.
The long-term nature of Ever.green’s contracts with developers are one of the key elements guaranteeing their high level of impact, so contracts cannot be terminated at convenience. However, we are open to negotiating early termination provisions with buyers provided we can find a replacement sponsor.
There is no legal limit to the amount of RECs a purchase can buy, although generally companies only buy the RECs required to match their Scope 2 emissions. Some organizations have considered purchasing RECs on behalf of their vendors and suppliers to address their Scope 3 emissions as well (or at least those elements of Scope 3 emissions attributable to energy use in an organization’s supply chain).
Once you have entered into a forward purchase agreement for your Ever.green RECs, you will receive a welcome packet containing, among other things, a summary of the terms and conditions of your REC purchase, the schedule for REC delivery and invoicing, and Green-e disclosures.
The date you first receive RECs will vary depending on the project, but will generally be within 60-90 days following either (i) the end the end of the first quarter in which the first renewable energy project that you are supporting begins commercial operation or (ii) in cases where the project is already in commercial operation, the first quarter after entry into the forward purchase agreement.
Once you begin receiving Ever.green RECs you will also receive, each year, a prospective and historical summary of the source of the Ever.green RECs expected to be sold, and actually sold, to you during that year.
REC buyers face several risks, many of which have already been addressed above. But fear not, as Ever.green works closely with buyers to mitigate these risks.
Ever.green is a high-impact REC and clean energy tax credit marketplace that empowers businesses of all sizes to participate in the energy transition, meet their sustainability goals, and make a financial return. Through Ever.green, companies can purchase tax credits at a discount and commit to forward contracts for high-impact Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) that help stand up new clean energy projects. Ever.green's marketplace includes streamlined transaction support, standard documentation, due diligence, filing, and compliance monitoring services to reduce risks and maximize efficiency for all parties. Ever.green is a marketplace for accelerating the transition to renewable energy.
We are a team of energy, regulatory, and product experts dedicated to opening up investing in renewables to everyone and accelerating our path to net-zero emissions. We are bringing new capital to the table and funding the creation of new renewable energy and storage projects.
We have seen deals challenged by misaligned expectations,and have found that a key to success in this early market is a highly curated process, where we work with both the buy side and sell side to close deals. What you get from Ever.green is a hands-on, dedicated team, legal documents to support transactions, and an ecosystem of 3rd party partners to support any diligence and filing needs.